What does FORE stand for? Well it’s simple! It’s an acronym consisting of the first letter of all my family members first names, this way they can be apart of this journey at all times. Since I was young I dreamed of launching my own product line where I can sell items that are handcrafted using high performing plants, herbs, and essential aromatic ingredients with outstanding results for all skin types. I started my journey when I went to school to become an aesthetician. During that time however, I always knew something else was missing, I always knew there was something far greater waiting for me to find it. After having kids, I started experimenting much more with different types of plants, herbs, oils, and natural ingredients and that's when I truly found my true passion in life and that is what ultimately brought me to the point I am in today.This journey has definitely taught me that no dream is too big, no challenge is too great, and nothing we strive for will be beyond our reach.